Marma Cursus (5 dagen)

Holisan BV





Tussen €500 en €1000

duur scholing

560 uren

studie belasting

560 uur (20 ECTS)

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Description of the Marma Course (5 days)

A course on Marma’s will be given by Thomas Punnen and Naveen Gupta from may 20th until may 24th.

This course is unique because it provides knowledge that (even in India) is not given in standard courses. This knowledge comes from a tradition that one can only learn if the person is dedicated to study the Marma point during multiple years. India has a known Guru tradition. That means that people are only given knowledge if the student is fully committed to his studies. The in-depth knowledge about channels is almost impossible to obtain through normal marma’s.

Thomas Punnen believes there are the standard 108 Marma points of the Sushruta, but that the Sushruta has only mentioned the most important ones. From his perspective there are many more. Furthermore, it is not just about Mala points, but for treatment he likes to focus on the Marma channels. Thomas has had an active practice in Amsterdam for many years and was very successful in treating various back complaints. One needs to know exactly which meridians are important in order to achieve successful treatment. Thomas makes the diagnosis based on temperature differences between Marma points. For this, one needs to gain at least some practical experience to be able to feel the effect.

The course that is offered is only intended for those who already know the basic principles of Ayurveda and have experience in this area. The intention is only to explain per indication which Marma channels you should treat in order to achieve a result. The starting point is to transfer as much practical experience as possible from Thomas to your own practice.

It will be a unique course that cannot be learned anywhere else. Thomas is not a natural speaker and therefore the course will be given together with Dr. Naveen Gupta.The preliminary program is that during the morning Naveen Gupta will go through the theory of the Marma points and later, in the afternoon, everyone will apply it in practice.

The indications below will be discussed (in random order):

- Tendinitis
- Sciatic neuritis, Sciatic nerve pain/ inflammation
- Spondylitis & Spondylosis
- Skinproblems
- Restless leg syndrome
- Repetitive strain injury (R.S.I.)
- Whiplash
- Tennis elbow
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Frozen Shoulder
- Neck and Shoulder problem
- Sinusitis
- Migraine
- Hemiplegia
- Facial Paralysis

This lecture will be in ENGLISH.

Teacher: Naveen Gupta en Thomas Punnen
Date: 20-05-2019 t/m 24-05-2019
Time: 10:00 uur – 17:00 uur
Location: Holisan BV, Merwede 30, 8226 NA Lelystad, the Netherlands
Price: € 900,- (of 185 per day)

- Coffee, tea and a light lunch are included
- The course continues with 10 registrations
- Basic Ayurvedic knowledge is required for this course
- It is negotiable to follow a number of separate course days if there is still place available.

People who want to follow the full course naturally have priority.

Price per day: € 185,-
20-05-2019 | 21-05-2019 | 22-05-2019 | 23-05-2019 | 24-05-2019
Startdatum accreditatie
Erkenning door
     Lichaamsgerichte therapieën
     Traditionele Oosterse Geneeswijzen
     Energetische Geneeswijzen
Therapeutische vorming
     Anamnese / diagnostiek
     Medische kennis
     Psychosociale kennis
     Wet en regelgeving
Aangeboden sinds
Anatomie, Fysiologie, Pathologie, Psychopathologie
Specialistische kennis en/of ervaring als zorgverlener vereist
1 - 10
Afrondend examen
SBU Opbouw
Klassikaal: 30 uur
Praktijkoefening: 400 uur
Zelfstudie: 130 uur
Totaal: 560 uur
toon alle informatie
Merwede 30
8226 NA Lelystad

Docenten (1)

  • Naveen Gupta

    40 scholingen